Moderation & Administrator commands

If a command is preceded by a " * " it means that the argument is optional.


This command allows you to delete a certain number of messages.

  • /clear {*amount}

Temporary mute

This command allows you to temporarily mute a member of the discord.

  • /tempmute {member} {amount: int} {time: (s / m / h / j / mois)} {*reason}


This command allows you to unmutes a member of the discord.

  • /unmute {member} {*reason}


This command allows you to kick a member of the discord.

  • /kick {member} {*reason}

Temporary ban

This command allows you to temporarily ban a member of the discord.

  • /tempban {member} {amount: int} {time: (s / m / h / j / mois)} {*reason}


This command allows you to ban a member of the discord.

  • /ban {member} {*reason}


This command allows to un-ban a member of the discord.

  • /unban {member} {*reason}

⚠️ The option {member} should be like this : name#1234

Banned users list

This command allows you to get the list of members banned from the discord.

  • /banlist


This command allows you to warn a member of the discord.

  • /warn {member} {reason}


This command allows you to see all the sanctions of a discord member.

  • /sanctions {member}

Server configuration

This command allows you to configure the bot for the discord server.

  • /server_config

Server informations

This command allows you to get information about the server.

  • /server_info

User informations

This command allows you to get information about za member of the server.

  • /user_info {member}

Last updated